Archaeologists enjoy Halloween

by Irma Havlicek
Powerhouse Museum Online Producer

Puss Lydia, Witch Stephanie and Crazy Guy Hugh
Puss Lydia, Witch Stephanie and Crazy Guy Hugh © PHM; photo by Irma Havlicek
OK – so this isn’t strictly a post about archaeology – but it is a post about how we enjoy ourselves in the dig house (pensione) after a hard day’s work.

Lydia Beaumont-Cankaya was keen to celebrate Halloween in some small way, so asked us to dress up in costumes for dinner. Some of the team took up the challenge, so I thought I’d share with you a few of the snaps I took over dinner.

Thanks to Lydia for organising a fun night. She had even hand-made and decorated cardboard cones which she filled with chocolate and treats, and gave one to each of us after dinner.

PIrate Kristen and Crazy Guy Hugh
Pirate Kristen and Crazy Guy Hugh © PHM; photo by Irma Havlicek
Puss Lydia, Witch Stephanie and Crazy Guy Hugh
Puss Lydia, Witch Stephanie and Crazy Guy Hugh © PHM; photo by Irma Havlicek
Lydia Beaumont-Cankaya in her puss costume
Lydia in her puss costume, complete with belt tail. You can see some of her hand-made cone gifts on the table behind her. © PHM; photo by Irma Havlicek
Lesley Beaumont and Archondia Thanos
Vampire-Fighting Lesley and Devilish Archondia © PHM; photo by Irma Havlicek
Pirate Kristen
Pirate Kristen © PHM; photo by Irma Havlicek

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