by Irma Havlicek
Web content producer
As you probably know by now, some excavators work on the six-week Zagora Archaeological Project (ZAP) for the entire six weeks, some for weeks 1-3 and some for weeks 4-6.
Those working only the second half generally arrived last weekend, and received a briefing from ZAP project director, Meg Miller, in the Kantouni dining room on the morning of Monday 13 October.
This was followed by the usual daily drive to Stavropeda, some 20 minutes from our accommodation in Batsi, and then the half-hour or so walk down to Zagora.
Following are some photographs providing glimpses of the induction.
There may appear to be some repetition in the images below – especially those around the building structures excavated in the 1960s and 70s by Professor Alexander Cambitoglou. I included them for two reasons: 1) I thought it was an opportunity to show different angles of the building walls that may be of interest to some readers; and 2) I know family and friends are keen to see their near-and-dear ones on this blog and I hoped this may give an opportunity for everyone to be facing the camera in at least one shot.