Community Outreach and Engagement at Zagora Continues
Public Lecture
On Thursday evening October 24th two of the Co-Directors of the Zagora Archaeological Project, Dr Stavros Paspalas and Dr Lesley Beaumont, presented a public lecture at the Demotiko Theatre in Chora. The lecture “Australia in Andros: Archaeological Research at Zagora” was presented in Modern Greek and provided the wider community with an opportunity to learn about the Project’s aims and the work undertaken at Zagora this year in relation to the previous excavations.

Site Open Day
Following visits to the Zagora site by local primary school pupils from the Public School of Mesaria and from the Andros Senior High School, we are also welcoming visitors to explore and gain a greater understanding of the work being done by the Zagora Archaeological Project at our Open Day at the site on Monday October 28th. The Project runs an Open Day every field season as an important element of its community outreach and engagement. A guided tour of the site will be provided, and visitors will also witness our archaeologists hard at work in various trenches. Zagora Open Day Poster

To view details of open day click the following link: Zagora24 Open Day Poster