Back to Zagora – 23 September to 1 November 2013!

Professor Meg Miller and Dr Stavros Paspalas, with Zagora behind them.
Professor Meg Miller and Dr Stavros Paspalas, with Zagora behind them (2012). © PHM; photo by Irma Havlicek.

by Irma Havlicek
Online Producer, Powerhouse Museum

We’ve been given approval by the Greek Ministry of Culture to return to Zagora for another archaeological season – from 23 September to 1 November 2013.

This is wonderful news for us all, and the team leaders, Professor Meg Miller, Dr Lesley Beaumont and Dr Stavros Paspalas, are busy arranging everything for a return this year.

Dr Lesley Beaumont working in the field at Zagora
Dr Lesley Beaumont working in the field at Zagora (2012). © PHM; photo by Irma Havlicek.

They have selected the team, including volunteers, for the 2013 season, and have commenced all the arrangements for travel and accommodation of the team and the gear which needs to be transported – including a Total Station. They have reviewed the findings from last year, and selected trench supervisors for the areas to be excavated this year. Initial meetings and information sessions have been held with those who will be participating.

Dr Lesley Beaumont and Professor Meg Miller working in our open plan and fully air-conditioned site office (formerly an animal pen).
Dr Lesley Beaumont and Professor Meg Miller working in our site office (formerly an animal pen) in 2012. © PHM; photo by Irma Havlicek.
Dr Lesley Beaumont and Professor Meg Miller working in our open plan and fully air-conditioned site office (formerly an animal pen).
Here you get a better idea of our open plan and fully air-conditioned site office (2012). © PHM; photo by Irma Havlicek.

We are all gearing up, and there is excitement in the air. Stay tuned for more…. Meanwhile, here are some photos from 2012.

Kristen Mann indicating the location of Zagora from aboard a ferry
Kristen Mann aboard a ferry in 2012 indicating the location of Zagora (you can see the sand-coloured, stony cliffs below the plateau of Zagora near the centre of the photo, just above the central cloud shadow). © PHM; photo by Irma Havlicek.
Zagora seen from the water.
Zagora – the plateau near the middle of the image – seen from the water in 2012. © PHM; photo by Irma Havlicek.
A sunrise view on from the walk to Zagora - 500
Zagora and its environs have some hostile and harsh characteristics but it’s also an unforgettable and searingly beautiful land- and seascape – and probably in this 2012 photo much like it would have been for thousands of years. © PHM; photo by Irma Havlicek.
Andrew Wilson and Kristen Mann aboard a ferry with Zagora behind them towards the right
Andrew Wilson and Kristen Mann aboard a ferry, returning from a trip a few of us made on our full weekend off mid-season in 2012. Zagora, darkened by cloud, is at the right of the picture. Did I mention it gets very windy over there? © PHM; photo by Irma Havlicek

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