Paul Donnelly’s second 2014 Zagora trench team – Trench 6

Trench supervisor, Paul Donnelly
Trench supervisor, Paul Donnelly. © AAIA; photo by Irma Havlicek
by Irma Havlicek
Web content producer

Here are some photos of the team who worked on Trench 6 under Paul Donnelly’s supervision for the second three weeks of the 2014 excavations. The post about the first 2014 Zagora team working on trench 6 is here.

The 2013 site plan showing trench locations in 2013 is at the bottom of this post. For more information about this part of Zagora, see last year’s post on Excavation Area 5.

Trench supervisor, Paul Donnelly, with his team, from left: Steve Vasilakis, Paul Donnelly, Julia McLachlan and Cheryl Brown
Trench supervisor, Paul Donnelly, with his team, from left: Steve Vasilakis, Paul Donnelly, Julia McLachlan and Cheryl Brown. © AAIA; photo by Irma Havlicek
The extended team who worked with Paul on his trench in the last week. From left: Trench supervisor, Paul Donnelly, with his team, from left, top row: Robert Clark, Costas Nikolakopoulos, Wendy Reade, Alba Mazza, Paul Donnelly, Julia McLachlan, Annette Dukes, Anne Hooton, Bob Miller, and, from left, bottom row: Steve Vasilakis, Beatrice McLoughlin and Cheryl Brown
The extended team who worked with Paul on his trench in the last week. From left: Trench supervisor, Paul Donnelly, with his team, from left, top row: Robert Clark, Costas Nikolakopoulos, Wendy Reade, Alba Mazza, Paul Donnelly, Julia McLachlan, Annette Dukes, Anne Hooton, Bob Miller, and, from left, bottom row: Steve Vasilakis, Beatrice McLoughlin and Cheryl Brown. © AAIA; photo by Irma Havlicek
The plan showing the areas being excavated at Zagora in 2014
This 2013 site plan shows the areas that were excavated at Zagora in 2013. Trenches 1 and 2 are not shown here because these were test trenches excavated in 2012. The Zagora site survey data by R. C. Anderson, J. J. Coulton, M. McCallum, and A. Wilson. This 2013 plan by A. Wilson. © Zagora Archaeological Project

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3 thoughts on “Paul Donnelly’s second 2014 Zagora trench team – Trench 6”

  1. Thank you Irma for such lovely documentation, had a literal BLAST in Trench 6, sorry about the flying drawing board. Thank you to Paul and his team for making me so welcome.

    • Dear Annie – it was a pleasure working with you and getting to know you. And perhaps our paths will cross again…. All the best, Irma xx

    • Glad you enjoyed it, Anne! You were a wonderful asset in Tr 6 – we were very lucky to have your drawing skills and good humour. I’m looking forward to seeing our house’s (many) lovely wall elevation drawings and floor plans published!

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