Project Teams



  • Dr Lesley Beaumont (Associate Professor, Archaeology)
  • Dr Paul Donnelly (Deputy Director, Chau Chak Wing Museum)
  • Dr Stavros A. Paspalas (Deputy Director, Australian Archaeological Institute at Athens)

Specialist Team

  • Dr Rudy Alagich (trench supervision and faunal analysis)
  • Brad Arsenault (drone imaging)
  • Emily Collier (flotation)
  • Dr Stephen Gale (deep soil coring)
  • Nick Kariotoglou (Aargus Pty Ltd, ground water tracing)
  • Elaine Lin (trench supervision)
  • Dr Kristen Mann (ceramicist)
  • Beatrice McLoughlin (archives and Heurist database)
  • Catherine Mellor (live documentation and Chief First Aider)
  • Dr Bob Miller (photography)
  • Dr Zuzana Obertova (bioanthropologist)
  • Dr Wendy Reade (conservation)
  • Dr Kathirine Sentas (illustration)
  • Dr Hugh Thomas (trench supervision)
  • Andrew Wilson (topographer, GIS and Heurist database)                       

In-field Provisioning and Logistics Support

  • Lea Alexopoulos
  • Annette Dukes

Field Team

  • Sami Beaumont-Cankaya
  • Grant Bernes
  • Bridget Bishop
  • Jonathan Bombardiere
  • Pippa Callingham
  • Ella Cook 
  • Andie Coulson
  • Stephen Croft                       
  • Sophia Duczmal     
  • Noah Farrugia  
  • Tara Fitzpatrick
  • Nick Flynn (Chief First Aider)                 
  • Nic Gates     
  • Lilian Geddes- Korb    
  • Tianshu Han   
  • Deanna Haralambedis 
  • Emma Hornigold          
  • Meishi Huang                 
  • Daisy Hui      
  • Charli James 
  • Scarlett Lindsay                     
  • Mikaela Love               
  • Rory Magee-Billson              
  • Robbie Manovel   
  • Ella Morgan     
  • Nina Power          
  • Conor Preece 
  • Lily Robinson           
  • Natalie Ryan
  • Sabine Sfeir 
  • Rose Skinner        
  • Casey Smith
  • Matilda Smith                      
  • Amelia Snow                           
  • Dylan Sullivan
  • Nicholas Turvey
  • Sanju Vairav
  • Sunday Vremaric- Macpherson 
  • Rian Wanigesekera 
  • Tahlia Watson
  • Catalina Weiss
  • Artemis Wever-Jetis
  • Adjani Zhang




  • Associate Professor Lesley A. Beaumont, University of Sydney
  • Dr Paul Donnelly, University of SydneyProfessor
  • Margaret C. Miller, University of Sydney
  • Dr Stavros A. Paspalas, The Australian Archaeological Institute at Athens

Field team

  • Giorgos Agavanakis – Conservation
  • Rudy Alagich, University of Sydney
  • Lea Alexopoulos – In field team provisioning
  • Sami Beaumont-Cankaya – First aid officer
  • Jodi Cameron, GML Heritage – Live documentation
  • Dr Charlotte Diffey, University of Oxford – Wet sieving
  • Annette Dukes – In field team provisioning
  • Dr Myrsini Gouma, VU Amsterdam – Soil Micromorphology
  • Dr Nicola Harrington
  • Anne Hooton – Archaeological illustrator
  • Elaine Lin
  • Dr Kristen Mann, AAIA
  • Beatrice McLoughlin, AAIA – Fields manager
  • Dr Hugh Thomas, UWA – Thermal imaging/aerial photography
  • Nikos Vasilikoudis – photography
  • Ivana Vetta – First aid officer
  • Emma Williams – Thermal imaging/aerial photography
  • Andrew Wilson, University of Sydney – Database “Heurist”/GIS



  • Professor Margaret C. Miller, University of Sydney (First Aid Officer)
  • Associate Professor Lesley A. Beaumont, University of Sydney (First Aid Officer)
  • Dr Stavros A. Paspalas, Deputy Director, The Australian Archaeological Institute at Athens

Finds management

  • Ms Beatrice McLoughlin, Finds Manager, Australian Archaeological Institute at Athens
  • Ms Annette Dukes, Assistant, University of Sydney; Ku-ring-gai Creative Arts High School

Architectural team

  • Mr Richard Anderson, Emeritus Architect, Athenian Agora Excavations
  • Mr Rudy Alagich (occasional assistant to architects), University of Sydney

Logistics support

  • Mr Constantine Nikolakopoulos, AAIA Canberra (and Greek instructor)

Scientific team

  • Geologist – Dr Yannis Bassiakos, National Centre for Scientific Research ‘Demokritos’
  • Faunal archaeologist – Dr Melanie Fillios, University of Sydney
  • Wet sieving – Ms Roza Beshara, University of Athens
  • Marine archaeozoologist – Dr Tatiana Theodoropoulou, Wiener Laboratory, ASCSA
  • Residue analysis – Dr Maria Rhoumpou, Harokopio University, Athens; Fitch Laboratory, BSA
  • Study: textile tools – Dr Margarita Gleba (Cambridge), Dr Joanna Cutler (Copenhagen) – ERC-funded PROduction and CONsumption:
  • Textile Economy and Urbanisation in Mediterranean Europe 1000-500 BCE (ProCon) project

Technical team

  • Conservation – Dr Wendy Reade, University of Sydney
  • Architectural conservation – Dr Stefie
  • Chlouveraki, Institute for Aegean Prehistory East Crete
  • Database ‘Heurist’ – Mr Steven Hayes, Mr Andrew Wilson
  • Illustrator – Ms Anne Hooton
  • Photographer – Mr Bob Miller
  • Live documentation – Dr Paul Donnelly, Curator, Powerhouse Museum, Sydney Ms Irma Havlicek, web content producer

Field team

Trench supervisors

  • Mr Antonio Bianco – University of Naples
  • Mr Adam Carr – University of Sydney
  • Dr Paul Donnelly – Powerhouse Museum
  • Ms Kristen Mann – University of Sydney
  • Mr Mel Melnyczek – University of Sydney
  • Andrew Moore (Dr) – UK: BSA, PhD University of Manchester
  • Dr Hugh Thomas – University of Sydney
  • Ms Ivana Vetta – University of Sydney (First Aid Officer)

Field team – volunteers, University of Sydney

  • Rudy Alagich (and Oxford University)
  • Aleese Barron (and Australian National University)
  • Madeline Bowers
  • Cheryl Brown
  • Nicole Castle (and independent archaeologist)
  • Lachlan Chisholm
  • Arabella Cooper
  • Callum Ferrell
  • Rebecca Georgiadis
  • Trinity Gurich
  • Hannah Gwyther
  • Sarah Judd
  • Charlotte Kowalski
  • Elaine Lin (and Australian National University)
  • Laura Mansell
  • Alba Mazza
  • Julia McLachlan
  • Francesca McMaster
  • Tessa Morgan
  • Hannah Morris
  • Prue Newton
  • Laura Patterson
  • Madeline Robinson
  • Frances Robson
  • Rehan Scharenguivel
  • Megan Sheppard Brennand
  • Andrew Smith
  • Stephanie Snedden
  • Archondia Thanos (Dr)
  • Steve Vasilakis
  • Claire Vincent
  • David White
  • Emma Williams
  • Susan Wrigley
  • Sareeta Zaid

Volunteers – other

  • Lucie Camus – France: Université de Paris
  • Robert Clark – Australia: AAIA Tasmania
  • Valeria de Scarpis – Italy: Università di Padova
  • Aspasia Efstathiou – Greece, MA University of Toronto
  • Michael English – Australia: Australian National University
  • Brady Kiesling – Greece/USA: ASCSA, MA University of Berkeley
  • Fatih Mehmet Er – Turkey: Hitit Univertesi, Çorum
  • Maria Karagiannopoulou – Greece: University of Thessaly
  • Marco Schugk – Germany: Universität Jena
  • Olivier Vanwalleghen – France: Université de Bordeaux 3



  • Prof. Margaret C. Miller
    Arthur and Renee George Professor of Classical Archaeology
    Department of Archaeology, University of Sydney
  • Dr Lesley A. Beaumont
    Senior Lecturer in Classical Archaeology
    Department of Archaeology, University of Sydney
  • Dr Stavros A. Paspalas
    Deputy Director, The Australian Archaeological Institute at Athens

Finds manager and archivist

  • Ms Beatrice McLoughlin

Architectural team

  • Mr Richard Anderson, Emeritus Architect, Athenian Agora Excavations
  • Dr Matthew McCallum, Senior Lecturer, University of Oslo
  • Mr Rudy Alagich (occasional assistant to architects), University of Sydney

Scientific team

  • Geologist – Dr Yannis Bassiakos, National Centre for Scientific Research “Demokritos”
  • Satellite Imaging Analysis – Dr Adela Sobotkova, University of New South Wales
  • Petra Janouchova, Charles University, Prague
  • Archaeobotanist – Dr Evi Margaritis
  • Marine Archaeozoologist – Dr Tatiana Theodoropoulou, Wiener Laboratory, ASCSA

Technical Team

  • Conservation – Dr Wendy Reade, University of Sydney
  • Architectural Conservation – Dr Stefie Chlouveraki, Institute for Aegean Prehistory East Crete
  • Database “Heurist” – Mr Andrew Wilson, Arts eResearch, University of Sydney
  • Illustrator – Ms Anne Hooton
  • Photographer – Mr Vasilis Tsiairis
  • Live Documentation – Dr Paul Donnelly, Curator, Powerhouse Museum Sydney
    Ms Irma Havlicek, Web Producer, Powerhouse Museum, Sydney

Greek instructors

  • Lea Alexopoulos & Dr Archondia Thanos

Trench supervisors

  • Dr Paul Donnelly
  • Kristen Mann
  • Mel Melnyczek
  • Dr Hugh Thomas
  • Ivana Vetta

Field team

  • Rudy Alagich
  • Lea Alexopoulos
  • Antonio Bianco
  • Amy Boyd
  • Kate Boyd
  • Adam Carr
  • Meg Dains
  • Annette Dukes
  • Clare Gavin
  • Hannah Gwyther
  • Nicola Harrington
  • Hayley Jones
  • Sue Jorgenson
  • Mel Kennedy
  • Elaine Lin
  • Peter Londey
  • Julia Manouras
  • Kate McAllan
  • Julia McLachlan
  • Jane McMahon
  • Tessa Morgan
  • Hannah Morris
  • Chris Moutafis
  • Natasha Nassenstein
  • Alexandra Ribeny
  • Rehan Scharenguivel
  • Marco Schugk
  • Andrew Smith
  • Damian Stone
  • Archondia Thanos
  • Steve Vasilakis


Team leaders

  • Professor Margaret Miller
    Arthur and Renee George Professor of Classical Archaeology
    Department of Archaeology, University of Sydney
    Co-Director Zagora Archaeological Project
  • Dr Stavros Paspalas
    Deputy Director, The Australian Archaeological Institute at Athens
    Co-Director Zagora Archaeological Project
  • Dr Lesley Beaumont
    Senior Lecturer
    Department of Archaeology, University of Sydney
    Co-Director Zagora Archaeological Project

Australian Archaeological Institute at Athens

  • Ms Beatrice McLoughlin (Sydney)
    Research Officer, Australian Archaeological Institute at Athens
    Head of Apotheke/Archives
    Finds Manager, Zagora Archaeological Project
  • Dr Wayne Mullen (Sydney)
    Chief Operating Officer, Australian Archaeological Institute at Athens
    Web and content support
  • Ms Theodora Gianniotis (Sydney)
    Development Officer, Australian Archaeological Institute at Athens
    Development and Education

Architectural Team

  • Mr Richard Anderson, Head Surveyor; Emeritus Architect, Athenian Agora Excavations
  • Dr Matthew McCallum, Senior Architectural Researcher; Senior Lecturer, University of Oslo
  • Mr Rudy Alagich, Assistant to architects; University of Sydney


  • Dr Apostolos Sarris, Institute for Mediterranean Studies, Foundation of Research & Technology, Hellas, Rethymnon,
  • Dr Nikos Papadopoulos, geophysicist
  • Dr Gianluca Cantoro, archaeologist
  • Ms Sylviane Dederix, archaeologist


  • Dr Yannis Basiakos, National Centre for Scientific Research ‘Demokritos’

Surface luminescence

  • Dr Yannis Lyritzis, University of the Aegean, Rhodes

Satellite Imaging

  • Dr Shawn Ross, University of New South Wales
    (Remote) Dr Adela Sobotkova, University of New South Wales

Database ‘Heurist’

  • Mr Andrew Wilson, Heurist database management; Project Manager, Arts eResearch, University of Sydney


  • Ms Anne Hooton, Athenian Agora Excavations


  • Mr Bob Miller, independent

Live documentation

  • Dr Paul Donnelly, Curator, Powerhouse Museum, Sydney
  • Ms Irma Havlicek, Web Producer, Powerhouse Museum, Sydney

Field Team (University of Sydney)

  • Meg Dains
  • Taryn Gooley
  • Kristen Mann
  • Jane McMahon
  • Hannah Morris
  • Stephanie Snedden
  • Dr Archondia Thanos
  • Hugh Thomas
  • Steve Vassilakis
  • Ivana Vetta (First Aid Officer)