Hugh Thomas’ first 2014 Zagora trench team

Hugh Thomas entering data into a digital tablet
Hugh Thomas, site supervisor, entering data into a digital tablet. © AAIA; photo by Irma Havlicek
by Irma Havlicek
Web content producer

Here are some photos of the team who worked under Hugh Thomas’ supervision for the first three weeks of the 2014 excavations.

The 2013 site plan, showing trench locations of the 2013 excavations is at the bottom of this post. The trench supervised by Hugh is in the vicinity of what was described last year on this blog as Excavation Area 3, which was supervised by Hugh Thomas last year.

Members of Hugh Thomas' first 2014 trench team
Members of Hugh Thomas’ 2014 team who worked during the first three weeks of the season. From left: David White, Lucie Camus, Emma Williams, Trinity Gurich and Hugh Thomas. © AAIA; photo by Irma Havlicek
Hugh Thomas' first 2014 trench team
Another shot of Hugh’s first 2014 trench team. From left: David White, Lucie Camus, Emma Williams, Trinity Gurich and Hugh Thomas. © AAIA; photo by Irma Havlicek
Hugh Thomas' first 2014 trench team
And one more shot of Hugh Thomas’ first 2014 trench team – as they are all about to crack up laughing. There’s a lot of work on site at Zagora – but a lot of laughter as well. © AAIA; photo by Irma Havlicek
The plan showing the areas being excavated at Zagora in 2014
The 2013 site plan showing the areas that were excavated at Zagora in 2013. Trenches 1 and 2 are not shown here because these were test trenches excavated in 2012. The Zagora site survey data by R. C. Anderson, J. J. Coulton, M. McCallum, and A. Wilson. This 2013 plan by A. Wilson. © Zagora Archaeological Project

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