Visit to Zagora of Ambassador John Griffin

Stavros Paspalas, Ambassador John Griffin, Meg Miller and Peter in the Zagora dig hut
From left: Zagora Archaeology Project (ZAP) director, Dr Stavros Paspalas; Australian Ambassador to Greece, His Excellency, MrJohn Griffin; ZAP director, Professor Meg Miller and Mr Pakapat Thipayaprapai in the Zagora dig hut. © AAIA; photo by Irma Havlicek
by Irma Havlicek
Web Content Producer

On Friday 10 October 2014, we had the pleasure of a visit by the Australian Ambassador to Greece, His Excellency, Mr John Griffin, and his partner, Mr Pakapat Thipayaprapai.

John Griffin had only recently taken up the post of Ambassador, so we were particularly privileged that he visited us so early in his term.

After meeting Professor Meg Miller and Dr Stavros Paspalas, two of the three Zagora Archaeological Project directors (Associate Professor Lesley Beaumont was not on site that day) in the Zagora dig hut, Stavros took John and Pakapat for a tour of each of the excavation areas around the site.

Archaeological architecture conservator, Stefie Chlouveraki, explains to Ambassador John Griffin the process of conserving the temple remains at Zagora
Archaeological architectural conservator, Dr Stefie Chlouveraki, explains the process of conserving the temple remains at Zagora. From left: Stefie’s conservation assistants, Dimitris Sfakianakis and Kostis Fragiadakis; Pakapat Thipayaprapai; Stefie Chlouveraki; John Griffin; Stavros Paspalas and one of this year’s archaeology volunteers, Rehan Scharenguivel. © AAIA; photo by Irma Havlicek

Site supervisor Antonio Bianco briefing Ambassador John Griffin about the trench he is supervising in Excavation Area 4
From left: Trench supervisor Antonio Bianco briefing our visitors about the trench he is supervising. From left: Antonio Bianco, Stavros Paspalas, Pakapat Thipayaprapai and John Griffin. © AAIA; photo by Irma Havlicek
Ambassador John Griffin receiving a briefing about Trench 4 from site supervisor, Kristen Mann.
Our visitors receiving a briefing from trench supervisor, Kristen Mann. From left: Pakapat Thipayaprapai, John Griffin, Stavros Paspalas and Kristen Mann. © AAIA; photo by Irma Havlicek
Andrew Moore briefs Ambassador John Griffin about Trench 6
Andrew Moore briefs our visitors about the trench he’s been supervising. From left: Pakapat Thipayaprapai, John Griffin, Andrew Moore and Stavros Paspalas. © AAIA; photo by Irma Havlicek
Archaeological architecture conservator, Stefie Chlouveraki, explains to Ambassador John Griffin the process of conserving the temple remains at Zagora
Stefie Chlouveraki animatedly expressing the importance of archaeological architectural conservation. From left: Kostis Fragiadakis, Pakapat Thipayaprapai, Stefie Chlouveraki, John Griffin and Stavros Paspalas. © AAIA; photo by Irma Havlicek

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