After lunch, we explored for an hour or so, which gave me the opportunity to take a few more photos, so I can show you further glimpses of this charming town.
It is planned for me to spend a day soon at the Andros Museum in Chora, where our finds from the Zagora field survey are washed and then sorted and researched by our fineware expert, Dr Stavros Paspalas, and our coarseware expert, Beatrice McLoughlin. I look forward to that, as another stage of this archaeological experience, and also for another opportunity to spend some time in Chora.

4 thoughts on “Picturesque Chora”
Wow, the scenery and images are so clear and so beautiful.
Wonderful composition too.
Kind thanks – there seems to be a ‘photo op.’ every few paces at Chora – as there is elsewhere on Andros, and also on the other Greek islands I have visited. (I am writing this comment from Mykonos, where three of us from the Zagora Archaeological Project have come especially so we could make a trip to Delos, which we did today. You can’t stay on Delos, so a trip from Mykonos was the best way for us to do it. Delos is an island with the most extensive and remarkable archaeological remains (it is on the UNESCO World Heritage list), and an excellent museum as well. It was simply breathtaking. (This weekend is the only one where we have both Saturday and Sunday off, so the only time we could do this. Other weeks, we work full days Monday to Friday and a half-day on Saturday).
Just blown away by the beauty of Chora!
So glad you think so. It is a lovely town. I’ll be there tomorrow (Wednesday) working in the museum, where finds from Zagora are processed (washed, sorted, analysed) by our experts – Stavros Paspalas (fine ware) and Beatrice McLoughlin (course ware). I’ll do a post about that down the track….