Antonio Bianco’s first 2014 Zagora trench team

Antonio Bianco
Antonio Bianco. © AAIA; photo by Irma Havlicek
By Irma Havlicek
Web content producer

Here are some photos of the team who worked on Antonio Bianco’s excavation area for the first three weeks of the 2014 excavations. I took the first two photos when I visited the site for the first time on Friday 10 October. However, Laura Patterson was working at the Andros Archaeological Museum washing finds on that day, so she isn’t in my photos. Callum Ferrell noticed this and so Antonio Bianco gave me some photographs he had from earlier in the season which include Laura – which I have added, below. Thanks, Callum and Antonio.

The 2013 site plan, showing trench locations of 2013 excavations is at the bottom of this post. The trench Antonio is supervising is in the vicinity of trench number 4 (described on this blog last year as Excavation Area 4).

Antonio Bianco with his trench team
Antonio Bianco with his trench team. From left, Callum Ferrell, Aleese Barron, Antonio Bianco and Nicole Castle. © AAIA; photo by Irma Havlicek
Antonio Bianco's trench team
From left: Callum Ferrell, Aleese Barron, Antonio Bianco and Nicole Castle. © AAIA; photo by Irma Havlicek
Laura Patterson, Antonio Bianco, Aleese Barron, Nicole Castle and Callum Ferrell
Antonio’s first trench team, including Laura Patterson, who was working in the Andros Archaeological Museum on Friday 10 October when I took the trench team photos above. From left: Laura Patterson, Antonio Bianco, Aleese Barron, Nicole Castle and Callum Ferrell. Photo by Michael English.
Nicole Castle, Laura Patterson, Aleese Barron and Callum Ferrell
From left: Nicole Castle, Laura Patterson, Aleese Barron and Callum Ferrell. Photo by Antonio Bianco
Laura Patterson, Antonio Bianco, Aleese Barron, Nicole Castle and Callum Ferrell
Antonio’s crew fooling around to show how hard they’ve been working (as if we needed convincing! In the photo below, check out the wall they built in front of the spoil heap with stones they had to carry there from the excavation area). From left: Laura Patterson, Antonio Bianco, Aleese Barron, Nicole Castle and Callum Ferrell. Photo by Michael English.
Antonio Bianco's and Kristen Mann's first 2014 trench teams
Antonio Bianco’s and Kristen Mann’s first 2014 trench teams. In front of them you see the wall Antonio’s team built with stones they carried over from his excavation area. © AAIA; photo by Irma Havlicek
A dusty-faced Laura Patterson after a windy day at Zagora
A dusty-faced Laura Patterson after a windy day at Zagora. Photo by Antonio Bianco
A dusty-faced Nicole Castle
Nicole Castle also wears some of Zagora home after a windy day on site. Photo by Antonio Bianco
The plan showing the areas being excavated at Zagora in 2014
This 2013 site plan shows the areas that were excavated at Zagora in 2013. Trenches 1 and 2 are not shown here because these were test trenches excavated in 2012. The Zagora site survey data by R. C. Anderson, J. J. Coulton, M. McCallum, and A. Wilson. This 2013 plan by A. Wilson. © Zagora Archaeological Project

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