A party for ZAPpers at Batsi Gold

ZAPpers getting into the spirit of the night with some Greek dancing
ZAPpers getting into the spirit of the night with some Greek dancing. © AAIA; photo by Irma Havlicek
Last night most of the Zagora Archaeological Project (ZAP) team attended a party at Batsi Gold, the jewellery shop of Eftihios Tsivourakis, who had kindly invited us all to the party he put on especially for us. He taught team members how to make a variety of Greek specialties, such as spanakopita and tiropita (spinach and cheese pies both made with freshly made, hand-rolled filo pastry), dolmades (stuffed vine leaves), tzatziki, barbecued rissoles (bifteki), lemon chicken and sweet honey treats.

Eftihios bought all the food, wine and soft drinks, and the barbecue and cooking vessels and tools to make everything.

Francesca McMaster, Arabella (Bella) Cooper and Megan Sheppard Brennand  preparing the Greek salad
From left: Francesca McMaster, Arabella (Bella) Cooper and Megan Sheppard Brennand preparing the Greek salad. © AAIA; photo by Irma Havlicek
Stephanie Snedden, Eftihios Tsivourakis, Francesca McMaster and Maria Karagiannopoulou at the Batsi Gold Zagora party
ZAP team members, from left: Stephanie Snedden, Francesca McMaster and Maria Karagiannopoulou, with their Greek chef maestro, Eftihios Tsivourakis, overseeing their work. As you can see, Steph and Maria have been working to make the dolmades (stuffed vine leaves). © AAIA; photo by Irma Havlicek
Greek dancing and general revelry at Batsi Gold
Enthusiastic Greek dancing was a feature of the night. Photo by Hannah Gwyther
ZAPpers who attended the party at Batsi Gold on Saturday 25 October 2014. Our host, Eftihios Tsivourakis, is near the centre at the top, holding up the blue Zagora 2013 T-shirt in front of him
ZAPpers who attended the party at Batsi Gold on Saturday 25 October 2014. Our host, Eftihios Tsivourakis, is near the centre at the top, holding up a blue 2013 Zagora T-shirt in front of him. Another happy photo of our wonderful ZAP team members and friends. I was all ready to take this group photo when a young Greek man I’d never met before (who may have been a friend of Eftihios or a passerby) offered to take the photo so that I could be in it; I thank him for his kindness. © AAIA
Greek dancing in front of the Batsi Gold display windows
ZAP team members getting into the spirit of the night with Greek dancing in front of the Batsi Gold display windows. Photo by Hannah Gwyther
ZAPpers preparing the food for the party
ZAPpers preparing the food for the party. © AAIA; photo by Irma Havlicek
ZAP party-goers, from left: Steve Vasilakis, Elaine Lin, Kristen Mann, Bob Miller and Wendy Reade
ZAP party-goers, from left: Steve Vasilakis, Elaine Lin, Kristen Mann, Bob Miller and Wendy Reade. © AAIA; photo by Irma Havlicek
ZAPpers getting into the spirit of the night with some Greek dancing
…. more Greek dancing…. © AAIA; photo by Irma Havlicek
A colourful salad
A colourful salad. © AAIA; photo by Irma Havlicek
Elaine Lin and Tessa Morgan dancing
From left: Elaine Lin and Tessa Morgan dancing up a storm. © AAIA; photo by Irma Havlicek
Annette Dukes and Meg Dains inside the Batsi Gold jewellery shop
From left: Annette Dukes and Meg Dains inside the Batsi Gold jewellery shop. © AAIA; photo by Irma Havlicek
Elaine Lin and Tessa Morgan at our Batsi Gold / Zagora party
From left: Elaine Lin and Tessa Morgan again. © AAIA; photo by Irma Havlicek
Eftihios Tsivourakis here with Meg Miller
Eftihios Tsivourakis here with Meg Miller, one of the three co-directors of the Zagora Archaeological Project. © AAIA; photo by Irma Havlicek
Antonio Bianco and Maria Karagiannopoulou
Antonio Bianco and Maria Karagiannopoulou enjoyed the night. © AAIA; photo by Irma Havlicek

As if that wasn’t enough, after all the great food and Greek dancing, Eftihios held a raffle, from which several team members won pieces of jewellery.

Megan, Francesca and Meg at the Batsi Gold party
Megan Sheppard Brennand, Francesca McMaster and Meg Miller at the Batsi Gold party. © AAIA; photo by Irma Havlicek

I plan to edit some video of the fun night, and will post it here. In the meantime, you can see the video I made of Eftihios last year, demonstrating an ancient jewellery-making technique of using cuttlefish to make a mould to reproduce a coin.

Leah Alexopoulos with her partner, Harry
Leah Alexopoulos with her partner, Harry. Leah was the ZAP team member last year who got to know Eftihios and introduced many of us to him and his superbly crafted jewellery. © AAIA; photo by Irma Havlicek
A ZAPper thanking Eftihios for the fantastic night he gave us
A ZAPper thanking Eftihios for the fantastic night he gave us. © AAIA; photo by Irma Havlicek

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