This week we were very fortunate to welcome a number of special visitors to Zagora. These were great opportunities for Co-Directors Associate Professor Lesley Beaumont, Dr Paul Donnelly, Dr Stavros Paspalas and the team to share the exciting work that is being undertaken by the Zagora Archaeological Project.
On Tuesday we were joined by the Director of the Australian Archaeological Institute at Athens (AAIA) Professor Tamar Hodos and Administrative Assistant Mrs Panagiota Korompli of the Athens office. The AAIA is a great supporter of the Zagora Archaeological Project and is the foreign institute through which the Project receives its fieldwork permit from the Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Sport. Professor Hodos was very enthusiastic about seeing the site and the progress to date.

On a very blustery Wednesday we also welcomed Australia’s Ambassador to Greece, Her Excellency Alison Duncan and Mr Richard Palmer. They showed great interest and curiosity about the work being done and engaged warmly with students and supervisors.
Both delegations were given an extensive tour of the site, its history and significance by Dr Beaumont, in addition to speaking with each of the trench supervisors regarding the current work being undertaken this season. They then also continued to the Chora Archaeological Museum to enjoy a guided tour of the finds from Zagora by Dr Stavros Paspalas.
On behalf of the Co-Directors, we wish to thank both these delegations for taking a day out of their very busy schedules to make the significant journey to Zagora from Athens during very windy conditions.

On Friday we were honoured with a surprise visit from the eminent retired archaeologist Professor Ze’ev Herzog and his son while holidaying in Andros. Professor Herzog was excavator of Tel Beer Sheba, Tel Michal, Tel Gerisa, Tel Yafo, as well as Tel Hazor, Megiddo and Tel Arad.
Having visited the museums in Chora and Paleopolis Professor Herzog and his son were eager to see the site of Zagora itself and were given a tour by Dr Lesley Beaumont and trench supervisors. We very much appreciate and thank Professor Herzog for his interest and visit to Zagora.